Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Commenting on PR/Events Blog class instructions:
The cut off is Thursday at midnight. Every week, post what you have done on this list. (Feel free to post more than once or for something that you've done outside of this list.) Rachel and I will be keeping track of who's doing what.

Every Friday starting at 10:45 we will meet in our groups. Come prepared with suggestions for each week. This week, PR will be converging with Events to discuss the launch event planned for December 4th at the food co-op. (I will post confirmation of this date as soon as I get it.)

To Do Lists are due before you go on friday - I need one from PR and one from Events so that I can put it up here.

***Keep in mind, the PR list is a good example of a weekly list. The events list below is over the course of the next month. It would be good to separate that up week per week.***


1. Print Posters (Multiple people can do this)
2. Distribute Posters (Multiple people can do this)
3. Contact Advisor heads of Art Dept.
4. Continue with class announcements, make handout with catalyst email (or poster) (Multiple people can do this)

Print out these posters and get them up around IV, campus, bring to class, post on your feeds etc.

Catalyst email: thecatalystucsb@gmail.com


- Contact Bands: 
Sun Daes, Crash Landings, Auqua Rhythm (Natalie's on that), Killer Kya, and The Bloodhounds
(so far these bands are down, but date has not been confirmed. Wait for date to be confirmed by Natalie).

- Obtain resources for sound (Michael)

- Gather lighting - holiday lights and lanterns (compile these in one place)

- Contact poets and artists who will be published in fall issue (Tiffany)

- Talk to IV Foot Patrol - noise ordinance, crowd protection, etc.

- Pitch event at ASPB Meeting - Mondays at 5

- Design physical layout of the event (Check out www.gliffy.com)

- Get volunteers for physical labor - setup and take down 
(put together a sign up sheet and split up by time/task)

- Prep for meeting with Melissa and Ashley at Co-Op – need floorplan, timetable, what their roles are, barter a food/monetary arrangement, ask them about projector and screen (Contact Natalie for meeting time) Talk about getting: food, discounts, artisans, etc

-Go to finance board and arrange for money for Launch Event - SOON
Instructions: compile an itemized budget for each of the foreseeable costs for the event, submit this online before the Finance board meeting. (Michael knows about this).

- Compile visuals to project while bands play (art from the magazine)

- Rent or find easels (ask art departments)

- Call for artist exhibition – arrange PR people to make posters. Tell
 local artists that they can SELL their art/wares at this event.